You will be missed, Big Nerd Ranch

The official post:

I restarted my career after the Flash apocalypse with one of the first iOS Programming editions from Big Nerd Ranch, having looked everywhere for an Objective-C something-that-makes-sense resource. My journey from essentially nothing to being able to work as an iOS developer was basically thanks to this book.
From there, I always considered BNR to be the definition of what I believe to be good education, and reading new books (and editions) was a must. It never failed me.
Years later, I saw Aaron at a CocoaHeads conference in Amsterdam, and his talk on the 3Ds (dirty, dangerous, and demeaning) changed my life yet again.
I truly express my gratitude for the creation of this symbol 🤠 and every person involved, who without a doubt have influenced countless lives.
See you around space cowboy...