2 min read


Banner for the first edition of the +TALKS, the same text in light color can be read

I was lucky enough to be able to attend the first +TALKS by ART+COM event yesterday. It was outstanding, and the speakers' ideas about immersive were extremely interesting.

Things that resonated with me:

Dagmar Schürrer advocacy for public augmented reality

Studio Above&Below Digital Atmosphere experience was striking in its simplicity

NEEEU Spaces GmbH phantom limb therapy deserves more praise

Phantom limb pain treatment - NEEEU
The German Aerospace Center (DLR) is researching on the treatment of phantom limb pain using Virtual Reality therapy. With funding from the Helmholtz Research Agency, NEEEU is collaborating on the design and development of a holistic therapy system based on Virtual Reality that aids the therapy goals in a playful and engaging way.

Really, go and check out their projects. They all give a compelling and convincing answer to Dr. Helen Papagiannis question about the role of artists in this context. And, well, a lot more than most people realize, and we definitely want/need more of this...